
How to enhance your guest experience

So why do you need a digital compendium App for your accommodation?

Quite simply, your guests are more likely to choose to stay with you again (and tell their friends) if they have a fantastic guest experience. In addition, we also know happy guests will give you favourable reviews, which are critical if you want to increase your bookings.

As the host or hostess of your accommodation, you also want to ensure you:

  1. Enhance your guests’ experience
  2. Avoid having to answer dozens of emails or calls with the same questions
  3. Increase the value of your service while decreasing the number of hours spent on mundane and repetitive tasks
It all starts by showing how much you actually care about your guest experience and their Stay

It all starts by showing how much you actually care about your guest experience and their Stay

It is easy sometimes to forget, but guest are paying their hard-earned money to be there. It is also how you earn your hard-earned money, and there you need to provide them with an experience they won’t forget, and not for the wrong reasons either.

Providing your guests with a digital welcome guide makes it very easy for them from booking until departure, and everything they need to know is in one easy to access place, even when they are offline.

Empower your guests to navigate your facilities

You know your facilities backwards; however new guests don’t. You want to provide them instructions for everything, with the two initial stress factors being driving directions and connecting to WiFi.

By using a Digital Compendium, this can start immediately. And because good digital services like Orana Stay will integrate seamlessly with the phone, getting driving instructions and directions reduces the initial stress of finding you.

Then provide them information about the facilities, you can even break this down per room. This will get your guests well acquainted with your facilities and how everything works before they even arrive!

Empower your guests to navigate your facilities

Promote local, shop local

You are a local, and you know the area better than anyone. So why not promote it!

Speak to a couple of your favourite cafes and restaurants and see if they would be willing for you to promote them to your guests for a discount. Therefore, you build a strong community following and get referrals back over time.

And you help the local community recover from the impact of the COVID-19 restrictions.

Promote local, shop local with Orana Stay

Drive 5-star guest reviews from an amazing guest experience

You already know this, guests check reviews before they book holidays. Therefore, you want to drive 5-star guest reviews.

Now using a digital welcome guide certainly won’t guarantee this; however, it goes a long way to setting the guest experience from the minute they book. And we all know guests who have a fantastic experience are less likely to write a review, so you want to motivate this at all times.

That is why you should have a review button right in your welcome guide.

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