A Digital Guidebook for your vacation rental that drive the guest experience

Guest Messaging

At Orana Software, we understand the importance of guest messaging. So you have a choice, to message your guest via your existing platform or with our state of the art messaging platform. Create templates, automate them and deliver them with ease, with true set and forget technology.


A timeless classic, love it or loathe it, it is here to stay. It is a reliable method to deliver messages to guests, and with full built-in tracking you can see who read it and who didn’t!

Send emails to your guests quickly and easily with Orana Stay and the guest messaging hub


A little more complex, especially with anti-spam legislation, but still a good and reliable way to message guests in numerous countries. 

Create templates, and then set and forget while letting the Orana Stay Messaging Hub take care of the rest.

SMS your guest and drive guest experience with our guest messaging platform

In-App Chat

In the complex world of spam, eliminate this complexity with the power of in-app chat. Guests can message you directly, and you can reply directly. No bots, or AI here, pure and simply guest experience.

Guest messaging made simply with Orana Stay

Improve your guest messaging today!

The Orana Stay digital guidebooks are more than just a guidebook. Use our messaging hub to completely automate your guest experience today, before, during and even after a guest stays.

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