
Do You Need A Digital Welcome Guide?

Technology is a fast moving beast, and it really presents an opportunity to really WOW guests.

However, in this fast paced world, we also need simplicity.

Orana Stay used the power of the phone yet retains the simplicity you need to publish a digital welcome compendium for your guests

Orana Stay used the power of the phone yet retains the simplicity you need to publish a digital welcome compendium for your guests. You could choose something with many bells and whistles, but you need to know your guests. They are generally on holiday and are trying to get away from all the complexities of life.

Therefore, they want information at their findertips quickly and easily.

This is why you need an app like Orana Stay which provides your guests with a comprehensive experience full of engagement, convenience and impeccable service. Coupled with simplicity for the guest and for you.

So do you even need a Digital Compendium

Here are six key reasons why your property shouldn’t be without one, and why guests now expect it.

How much time do you spent time answering questions rather than enhancing your guests’ experiences. Your guests would much prefer to never have to ask questions, however if you are not providing them an easy way to get answers (and let’s face it they don’t read paper anymore), then you valuable time will be continually interrupted.

How much time do you spent time answering questions rather than enhancing your guests' experiences
Promote the local area attractions, the restaurants and the cafe

You are passionate about the local area, the local people, and what it offers your guests. Make this a feature of the app, promote the locals and drive up tourism. It is all possible with Orana Stay.

Promote the local area attractions, the restaurants and the cafe. The locals will love you and will thank you for years to come.

If you could bring convenient and entertaining information right to their screens, they’d love you from booking to check-in, check-out and beyond.

Because the digital welcome guide is on their phone, it is 100% mobile. This means they can get information from the time they book until well after they depart.

Because the digital welcome guide is on their phone, it is 100% mobile
Think about it, your guests use their phone everywhere

Think about it, your guests use their phone everywhere. From checking into flights, to booking rooms and getting directions. They expect this.

And because you can incorporate everything into Orana Stay, it gives your guests a complete experience from start to end. It also updates in real-time, so they’ll always have the latest events, menus and information.

Let’s face it, your guests rarely read the useful information on the pamphlets you provide them!

With the uncertain environment we all currently live in, guests expect up to date information. Your welcome concierge should be able to provide this instantly based on current events.

Guests will also value this level of detail, they want to know what is happening, not only with COVID but also with venues and restaurants that are closed.

Your welcome concierge should be able to provide this instantly based on current events

Stand out from the crowd and be noticed. You are offering your guests a unique experience, and that should being from the minute they book.

And remember, this is not only about providing information to your guests. It is also building your brand and facilities around the world.

Why not touch base with us today, and see how Orana Stay can help your guests. As part of our service we will setup the entire guide for you. Once complete, it is a simple job to maintain it going forward.

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