
Driving growth in your short term rental

Drive grown with your short term rental using the Orana Stay Digital Concierge

As a short term rental host you have a passion for the guest experience. And like any host, you want to drive your growth with better reviews and higher occupancy.

Then why not consider Orana Stay, designed from the ground up to deliver amazing guest experiences, and to really showcase everything  your unique property has to offer!

Some key growth benefits for short term rental hosts:

  • Easy to use platform to keep your information current
  • Quick and affordable setup of your concierge and compendium
  • Promote local attractions and highlights
  • Market other properties you might own
  • Fantastic support and technical base

The guest experience comprises 5 stages

As an short term rental host, you have just received a new booking. So why did the guest choose you? 

Guests book experiences for several reasons, a short holiday, a weekend away, or even a celebration. And while the reasons are endless, it all comes down to five distinct stages of a guest’s journey. So as a host, how do you ensure the guests’ experience expectations get met?

In this article, we will take you through these five stages and how you can ensure you create a memorable experience for your guest at each stage of their journey.

Stage 1: Booking and Travel

When guests book their stay, they typically receive a confirmation email and a welcome email. Today’s guest wants more, they want amazing experiences AND they also want to be in complete control of that experience.

By including your app in the welcome email, you immediately put that control back into your guests’ hands. Now your guests have all the information they need. Give your guests the latest weather, directions to your short term rental, all the local attractions, and so much more. But most importantly, they have answers to questions they would generally have to ask you, restoring your valuable time.

Stage 2: Arrival

Today’s world of contactless check-in makes it difficult for hosts who love to personally meet guests and share experiences. 

With the restrictions and concerns surrounding the health of others you need to replace this level of hospitality with a digital concierge who can talk to your guests when you cannot, and in 107 languages.

A Digital Concierge from Orana Stay allows you to share your story and passion. You can set some ground rules and give your guests a virtual layout (or even a video) of your property and where to find everything.

Stage 3: Guest experience

No one knows the local area like you do. So, use this to your advantage. In the digital concierge, share the best local attractions, the go to cafe for coffee, and even the exceptional restaurants in town. Use the digital guide to showcase tucked away places that are local secrets, or delight with off-the-beaten-track spots that provide an experience like no other. The possibilities are endless, but the experience you can provide your guest is priceless. At the end of the day, you want to “wow” your guests, and a digital concierge, like Orana Stay, helps you do this.

Use Orana Stay to:

  • promote local restaurants and cafes
  • highlight tourist and local attractions
  • showcase off-the-beaten-track hideaways
  • information on hospitals, doctors, churches, etc.
  • give rainy day ideas and guides

There is no limit to the information you can share. And the best part is you can update and share it quickly and easily, no matter where you are.

Stage 4: Departure

When it comes time for a guest to leave, they need to know the procedures and times they need to leave. Continue to focus on an amazing guest experience. In the instructions, why not give some tips on where to stop for a coffee, or maybe the best spot for a late breakfast?

Thank your guest for staying, and include a link to get a review of their experience. A review is the most important outcome of any guest visit, and you really want to promote this, and also take any opportunity to rebook. With Orana Stay, guests can rebook directly from the App which will link them directly to your booking page.

Stage 5: Post departure

The guest has left, but you are not forgotten. On the guests’ phone is your icon prominently displaying your short term rental property which your name and logo. We know most users never remove icons from their phones, so you are constantly reminding your guest about their visit, and when they open the App again in the future, they will be able to leave a review or rebook directly on your booking page. 

This gives you an advantage in that they are only vieweing your property and not that of competing hosts.

3 thoughts on “Driving growth in your short term rental”

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