
Booking Direct vs Airbnb

Book direct is a major focus of many Short Term Rental property managers and is becoming more achievable via the technology available to assist in reaching guests as well as continuing the relationship with them while they are staying with you and after they have left.

Aside from the cost involved with using Airbnb their focus on isolating the guest from the host/property manager impacts negatively on the guest experience. Not only are the property managers at a disadvantage so are the guests as there is so much valuable information that they’re not getting and cutting off the direct interaction slows down their needs or concerns being addressed.

It is more difficult for small hosts to compete against Airbnb but larger property managers will keep increasing their book direct ratio. It is most challenging to secure the first booking, so using Airbnb is often going to be where that booking comes from but there are many ways to have your guests return via book direct.

Ways to achieve STR book direct success include working with a direct booking website developer as well as creating an Orana Stay digital welcome guide / guest experience app.

The most important focus needs to be on creating a memorable guest experience so that when a guest is planning their next get away their first inclination is to get back in contact with you and not take the easy way of using an OTA such as Airbnb. Once they have your tailored app on their phone which showcases all of your properties it is so easy for them to book through you again.

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