
Revolutionizing and creating amazing Digital Guidebooks for superiour guest experiences

In the ever-evolving landscape of the hospitality industry, staying ahead of the competition and providing an exceptional guest experience is paramount. Enter Orana Stay, a game-changer in the world of digital guidebooks, offering a seamless and deeply integrated solution with compatible booking software. This innovation not only creates personalized guides effortlessly but also keeps them dynamically up-to-date, thanks to the remarkable power of AI.

Deep Integration: Creating and Maintaining Guides with Ease

Orana Stay's deep integration with your booking software is a game-changer in the world of guest experience

Orana Stay’s deep integration with your booking software is a game-changer in the world of guest experience. It allows you to effortlessly generate personalized guidebooks for your guests. These guides encompass a wealth of information, from local attractions to dining recommendations and upcoming events. What sets Orana Stay apart is its ability to keep these guides evergreen. No longer will you need to spend countless hours manually updating information – it’s all done automatically. This frees up valuable time and resources that can be channeled into enhancing the overall guest experience.

The Power of AI Translation: Speaking the World's Languages

One of the most impressive features of Orana Stay is its AI-driven translation capabilities. These guidebooks can be automatically translated into a staggering 106 languages, ensuring that your guests feel right at home, no matter where they come from. This not only enhances guest satisfaction but also opens up a world of opportunities for your business. You can tap into a global market, attracting guests from diverse backgrounds and nationalities. The ability to communicate effectively with guests in their native language fosters a sense of comfort and belonging, setting your establishment apart as a welcoming and inclusive destination.

Drive your hospitality business with Orana Stay Digital Guidebook, and deliver an amazing guest experience.

Time Savings and Financial Benefits: The Bottom Line

By automating the creation and updates of guidebooks, you reduce the need for manual labor and minimize the risk of errors

The integration of Orana Stay with your booking software not only saves you valuable time but also offers substantial financial benefits. By automating the creation and updates of guidebooks, you reduce the need for manual labor and minimize the risk of errors. This translates into cost savings and increased operational efficiency. Moreover, with the guest’s frequently asked questions answered within the guidebook, your staff can focus on providing more personalized and attentive service. This ultimately leads to higher guest satisfaction, repeat business, and positive reviews.

Upsell Opportunities: From Early Check-In to Entertainment

Orana Stay doesn’t stop at providing basic information; it opens the door to upselling opportunities. Through the guidebook, you can promote a range of services and experiences, from early check-ins to tickets for shows and theater performances. You can even highlight unique offerings such as art exhibitions and special packages, including spa treatments and dining experiences. The possibilities are endless, and with the convenience of mobile access, guests can explore and book these services at their leisure, enhancing their overall stay.

promote a range of services and experiences, from early check-ins to tickets for shows and theater performances

In conclusion, Orana Stay’s deep integration with compatible booking software and AI-powered guidebooks is a game-changer in the hospitality industry. It not only saves time and money but also enhances guest satisfaction and opens up new revenue streams. By providing seamless communication in multiple languages and offering upsell opportunities, Orana Stay empowers hotels and accommodations to deliver exceptional guest experiences, setting a new standard in hospitality. Embrace the future of guest services with Orana Stay and redefine the way you welcome guests from around the world.

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