A short term rental property manager welcoming guests

A property manager of short term rentals needs a special kind of digital concierge

As a short term rental property manager, your days are very busy. You need to manage bookings, arrange cleaning and manage enquiries. Not to mention the admin!

Orana Software is the home of Orana Stay, and we understand the challenges a property manager faces each and every day. We have built a solution into our Orana Stay software to specifically handle these challenges, quickly and efficiently.

Some key benefits for short term rental property managers include:

Understanding the challenges of a property manager

A property manager, especially if you have a number of properties, is very rewarding but also a very challenging job. Daily, you will be faced with an onslaught of questions, the departures, the arrivals and all the housekeeping that happens with engaging with guests.

A typical guest journey has 5 distinct stages, and there is normally a gap between the time a guest books and actually arrives. And this is the time where you can use the Orana Stay Digital Concierge to take over so many of the areas that take up so much of your time.

By including your app in the welcome email, you immediately put that control back into your guests’ hands and take the questions away from your office. Your guests effectively has most, if not all, of the information they need. Your guests can receive the latest weather forecasts, get directions to your office or property, see all the local attractions, and so much more. 

But most importantly, they have answers to questions they would generally have to ask you, freeing up your valuable time.

How does the property manager solution work?

So without going into the technical side, we make it super easy for you.

Firstly, we actually setup the guides for your office, plus any properties you already have. There is a minimal cost per property for this service. We have built some smarts into our software to ensure that when you make changes to one property, we automatically update all related properties as well.

Secondly, we train you on our easy to use platform and you go live. From there you can keep the information up to date almost instantly, ensuring your guests always have the latest information at their fingertips.

And lastly, we introduce you to our amazing support team who are there to help you every step of the way. We pride ourselves on our support and it is included in our ongoing fees so there are no hidden fees or surprises.

Why not get in touch with us and learn more about our unique solution. We love talking to property managers and finding way to help them achieve amazing results for their customers and guests.

Why do I need a digital concierge?

A digital concierge has a number of valuable benefits for your properties, including:

We all love talking to guests, but for the right reasons. Orana Stay provides you with a contactless communication app that gives your guest all the information they need, when they need it no matter where they are. The days of guests only looking for information in their room via a paper guide or TV guide are long gone, your guests are digital and expect it everywhere they go.

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