
Oceanside, engage and amaze your guests after they book!

Visit Oceanside California

Take advantage of the opportunity to enhance your accommodation with our latest offering from Orana Software—a digital guest guide. This innovative solution showcases the local area, promotes your establishment, and provides you with an impressive marketing tool. What’s more, we are currently waiving all setup fees for this amazing offer, leaving you with only a low monthly subscription fee to pay.

By implementing the Orana Stay digital guest guide, you can provide your guests with a comprehensive resource that highlights the best of the local area. From popular attractions and activities to dining options and insider tips, the guide serves as a valuable tool to enhance their experience and create lasting memories. Imagine the convenience and power of having this information readily accessible on their mobile devices.

Not only does the digital guest guide benefit your guests, but it also serves as a powerful marketing tool for your accommodation. By showcasing the unique features and offerings of your property, you can captivate potential guests and differentiate yourself from the competition.

To make this opportunity even more enticing, we are waiving all setup fees. You can take advantage of this offer without any additional upfront costs, and simply pay a low monthly subscription fee to sustain the service.

Don’t miss out on this exceptional opportunity to elevate your guest experience and leverage an impressive marketing tool. Contact us today to get started and unlock the full potential of your accommodation.

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The Return On Your Investment

EXTENDED BOOKINGS: By sharing your guide with them early on, it allows guests to plan activities and even find local attractions before they arrive. 

The volume of extended bookings that occurred after our customers went live with Orana Stay was a really unexpected benefit of the guest app.

UPSELL: You have a captive audience, so your scope to upsell to your guests is unlimited. Perhaps there is a local winery, a theme part or fine dining nearby. Use this to showcase the area, but earn extra revenue for these opportunities.

TIME: Everyone knows how busy it gets in any accommodation type. By implementing a proper guest experience app you empower your guest to find out the answers they would otherwise contact you about. This frees up your time to build your busiess and also to focus your attention on engaging guests at a far higher level.

OTA FEES: Fees vary, but are substantial. If you can find an easy way to encourage guests to rebook direct, you then can offer a discount over the OTA and still make more money than you would otherwise. This does rely on you having a decent book-direct website, but the rewards can be enormous.

REVIEWS: The lifeblood of your business is exceptional reviews. Encourage guests to leave reviews via the app, plus promote your social media platforms to encourage engagement to drive bookings to your side.

BRAND: Your brand is the most important aspect of your business, and it needs to be marketed everywhere. By creating a guest app, your brand is on your guests device before, during and long after the stay. And they can find you against easily, no searching.

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